Crohn’s Disease Blog

Time for a Gut Check: How to Tell If You Have an Unhealthy Gut

An estimated 60-70 million Americans suffer from some type of digestive condition—that’s over 20% of the country’s population. Unfortunately, the symptoms of digestive diseases aren’t always intuitive. Many people aren’t even aware that an unhealthy gut is the cause of their symptoms. Is your skin condition an environmental allergy,...

Mange Your Crohn’s Disease Flareup Like A Pro: You’ve Got This

Crohn’s disease is associated with a group of inflammatory bowel diseases that affect nearly 3 million Americans. Although Crohn’s is a severe condition, there is help available. Thankfully, individuals with Crohn’s disease can manage their symptoms by eating healthy and taking supplements to build their immune system. If you’re interested...

10 Benefits of Exercise for Treating Anxiety and Depression

Anxiety affects more than 40 million adults each year in the United States, and depression affects more than 16.1 million American adults. Different risk factors—including genetics, life events, brain chemistry, and personality—are believed to cause these illnesses.  Thank goodness these illnesses are treatable. Regular exercise is one of the best...


What is Testosterone? Testosterone is a male sex hormone that is imperative for conceptive and sexual improvement. For men, testosterone is the most noteworthy male hormone. Ladies deliver this hormone, also; be that as it may, the levels created are much lower than their male partners. For what reason...

Living With Crohn’s Disease: Coping With and Reducing Flares

Crohn’s disease is an inflammatory bowel condition that can affect any part of a person’s gastrointestinal tract. Living with crohn’s disease is a journey. It’s a lifelong and chronic disease that tends to alternate between periods of symptom flare-ups and relatively stable periods. The flare-ups can last for days, weeks, and...