Natural healing methods for IBS and IBD (Crohns, Ulcerative Colitis, Diverticulitis) that work! How to become and remain drug and surgery-free. Jini Patel’s mission in life is to share her elemental diet & natural supplementation plan to achieve ongoing, long-term health for people with Ulcerative Colitis, Crohn’s, Diverticulitis and IBS. Her approach is fresh and straight to the point without a lot of space filler that most books have.
The author of these two books, Jini Patel Thompson was diagnosed with Crohn’s Disease in 1986. She followed the so called protocol for treatment with no measurable success. She sought after experiential and alternative healing methods and therapies over the next seven years while she lived and worked in England, Japan, and Canada. It has now been over a decade that she has remained drug and surgery-free. She manages her symptoms and heals her flare-ups using the natural methods described in both of her books, “Listen to Your Gut” and “the IBD Remission Diet”. Two very informative reads that you don’t want to pass up, a must for any IBS or IBD patient, particularly those that have run the obstacle course of medical treatments.
With wit and compassion Jini Patel Thompson teaches readers how to control their bowels, transform pain, heal their rectal fissures and relieve gas and bloating. Current popular treatments such as Gottschall Specific Carbohydrate Diet, Blood Type Diet, Ayurvedic and Chinese Medicine are also discussed.
In this inspirational new book, Jini shows readers how to prevent and manage flare-ups using completely natural methods. All levels of symptoms are addressed, from mild gas and diarrhea to intestinal hemorrhaging and sever malnutrition. She explains how the healing process works and guides the reader through the various stages of the journey to health and wholeness.
Reader Evaluations:
“I did just one thing suggested in Listen To Your Gut and my diarrhea of ten years stopped within three weeks. Would recommend this book to anyone with these diseases.”
Catherine Grey
“I have personally witnessed the effectiveness of the diets and methods in this book. It’s a well-written manual of holistic treatments that work.”
Vivian Szabo MN, Registered Nurse
“It is by far the best book I have read for my symptoms of IBD and Lactose intolerance. I followed many of your suggestions and within 3 weeks the pain is gone, the burning has eased, the nausea has subsided and the dreadful diarrhea has stopped!! Keep up the good work!”
Debbie Froeschke, Arizona, USA
Numerous clinical studies have show that an elemental diet is as effective as steroids (Prednisone) at inducing remission for Inflammatory Bowel Disease. In this groundbreaking new book, the author Jini Patel Thompson combines the benefits of an elemental diet with a targeted natural supplementation plan, food reintroduction program, probiotic supplementation and ongoing guidelines for maintaining your newfound health. This book promotes an outstanding guided self-healing approach for anyone with IBD or IBS who’s had enough of the drug and surgery cycle!
Reader Evaluations:
“Elemental diet therapy is as effective as steroids in inducing remission, whilst avoiding steroid side effects.””
Dr. Bhupinder Sandhu, MD
“In children with active Crohn’s disease, exclusive nutritional therapy shows a more rapid effect than steroids in inducing clinical remission and is markedly more effective than steroids in producing healing of mucosal inflammation.”
Dr. Robert Canani, MD
Crohn’s Disease Research Sites