Bipolar 1 can be very difficult or very easy to detect. It only requires at least one episode of mania, which has to last about one week. This manic episode has to have a very negative impact on your life. You may spend large amounts of money to the point where it may empty your savings account. You may be more aggressive and willing to fight. You may have grandiose thoughts (I’m going to make $1 million on this, or I’m going to be president). You may no longer need the recommended eight hours of sleep you may get by with 2 to 4 hours and feel energized and ready to go. You may critically affect relationships with people you care about like your children, spouse, coworkers, relatives, or friends. Bipolar one does not require an episode of depression; however, most people with bipolar 1 do experience episodes of depression between episodes of mania. Once your doctor completes a proper diagnosis, bipolar one is generally easy to treat with prescribed medication.
Go to: My Bipolar Story