Your Guide to the Best Probiotics for Women Over 50

Your Guide to the Best Probiotics for Women Over 50

Growing older as a woman is an amazing experience. The human body is constantly cycling through changes as it moves through life. In later years, women, in particular, undergo significant transformations, both physical and mental.

As well as all of the wonderful changes that take place during this period, there are some things it is important to be mindful of, too. Certain parts of us may need more attention. Lifestyle changes may be advisable.

There are things we can do to help. For example, do you know the best probiotic for women over 50?

Probiotics are great things to take for people of any age or gender. There are, however, certain probiotics that can be especially beneficial for older women, and the things their bodies need.

In this post, we’ll talk about what probiotics are, how they can be helpful for women later in life, and how exactly to take them. Read on for your ultimate guide to probiotics for women over 50.

What Are Probiotics?

Probiotics are living microorganisms that help the human body to perform at its best.

They can be made up either of bacteria or yeast. Although this might not sound particularly appetizing, your body is actually made up of both good and bad bacteria. Consuming good bacteria, such as the stuff some probiotics are made of, can help to keep the body healthy in many different ways.

Different probiotics are found in many types of food and are also often taken in supplement form. Many doctors prescribe probiotics to people in certain categories. These can include such groups as those with inflammatory bowel diseases, like Chron’s, and older people.

How Can Older Women Benefit From Probiotics?

As women get older, their bodies acquire a brand new set of needs. What is good for a 20-year-old woman will not necessarily be the best probiotic for women over 50, 60, or 70 years old.

As we change and mature, our bodies will gain certain characteristics and lose others. There are a number of different areas a woman should take extra with as she ages.

Vaginal Health

Women going through menopause should be especially mindful of their vaginal wellbeing. Low estrogen levels and changes in vaginal acidity can lead to a higher rate of infections or overall vaginal atrophy. Many experts believe that certain probiotics can be beneficial for vaginal health.

Gut Health

As we age, the levels of a particular bacteria found in our gut tend to drop sharply. The bacteria in question, bifidobacterium, helps to keep our guts healthy.

It can see an especially sharp fall in people between the ages of 55 and 60. One way older people can make an effort to replace this missing bacteria is with the use of probiotics.

Overall Health

Even if you are the picture of health, the immune system tends to weaken with age. This means that someone who rarely got sick when they were younger may find themselves ill more frequently as they get older.

It can also take older people longer to recover from an illness, and less receptive to vaccinations. Certain probiotics can help to improve the body’s immune system.

Common Probiotics Mistakes

Probiotics can have amazing results, but only when properly researched and correctly taken. If you’re new to the world of probiotics, beware of these common probiotics mistakes.

Not Knowing the Side Effects

There are a lot of health benefits associated with probiotics. However, anyone who is beginning to start to take them should also be aware of their potential side-effects.

Particularly if someone is not used to taking probiotics, or they take too many, they may see some unwanted results. These can range from mild to severe, depending on the person. It is, therefore, a good idea to thoroughly research any probiotics before taking them, and monitoring your body’s reaction when you do.

Being Impatient

For all of the amazing things probiotics have to offer, they are not a miracle cure. Some people start taking probiotics looking for instantaneous results. In most cases, it will take weeks before the positive effects are seen.

Although for some people changes are noticeable after a week or 2, in the majority of cases, a little patience and persistence will be required to reap the rewards.

The Best Probiotic for Women Over 50

Supplements are a great way to ensure you’re getting all of the probiotics you should be. Certain foods (particularly fermented ones) are also a good source of probiotics, it just requires a little research to see where to find the ones you need best.


As we’ve mentioned above, bifidobacteria are a type of bacteria that help to keep your gut healthy. They also tend to decline as we get older. This is why it can be particularly helpful for older people to regulate the bacteria in their gut.

A lack of bifidobacteria can cause anything from irregular bowels to soft stool. Bifidobacterium can be found in sauerkraut, pickles, and kimchi.

Lactobacillus Acidophilus

This is the bacteria that is often used to promote vaginal health. It can help with the prevention of vaginal infections.

Research suggests it may also help with weight regulation, which can be difficult for those going through menopause. It is found in greek yogurt.

Lactobacillus Paracasei

Lactobacillus Paracasei is particularly important for older people, as it helps to boost the immune system. As we age, this bacteria will help you to get sick less often, recover more quickly when you do, and have a feeling of overall good health. It is found in, among other things, sourdough bread.

Lactobacillus Plantarum

This bacteria can have an array of different positive effects on the body. The digestive system, the immune system, and a person’s overall health are just some of the things this probiotic can help. It is found in brined olives and tempeh, a popular meat substitute for vegetarians and vegans.

Probiotics for Health

The above list represents many different entries which could arguably be named the best probiotic for women over 50. Probiotics are powerful living things that can have a profound effect on our bodies and our health. But they should be taken in conjunction with one another, and tailored to a person’s specific needs.

Whether you’re looking to take them in food or supplement form, if you want to learn more about probiotics for women, men, or any other group, feel free to check out the rest of our blog or contact us for more information.

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