Paying attention to your diet may help you reduce Crohn’s flare up symptoms. There’s no evidence that any particular food causes Crohn’s disease, but once you have the disease, Emotional stress can also influence the course of your Crohn’s. Here are a few tips to help you manage trigger flare ups, the things that may make symptoms worse.
Crohn’s Flare Up Symptoms Dietary Tips
Certain foods and beverages can aggravate your Crohn’s disease symptoms, especially when you’re having a flare, so try eliminating those foods that seem to be making your symptoms worse. In general, try to eat a well-balanced diet, as proper nutrition is especially important for people with Crohn’s. Of course, you should check with your doctor, but here are a few tips that may help:
- Limit dairy helps manage Crohns flare up symptoms. If you are lactose intolerant, try switching to dairy products specifically meant for lactose intolerance.
- Crohn’s disease diet what not to eat – Avoid gassy foods. Eliminate foods such as beans, cabbage, and broccoli, as well as raw fruit juices, popcorn, alcohol, caffeine, and carbonated beverages.
- Think small. Some people try eating 5 or 6 small meals each day rather than 3 larger ones.
Did you know?
In a condition with chronic diarrhea, like Crohn’s, the risk of dehydration increases the need for fluid intake in warm weather.
- Drink liquids. Drink plenty of water daily to stay hydrated.
- Watch the fiber. Restrict your intake of high-fiber foods such as nuts, seeds, and corn. If raw fruits are a problem, steaming, baking, or stewing them may help.
- Consider fish and flaxseed oils. Including these in your diet or as supplements may help fight the inflammation in Crohn’s.
- Look into probiotics. “Good” bacteria like the kind in live-culture yogurt, can help aid in the recovery of the intestine.
Did you know?
Flares may increase the number of calories your body needs.
Stress Reduction
Stress can aggravate your signs and symptoms and may trigger flares. When you’re stressed, your normal digestive process can change. Stress has also been shown to speed or slow the passage of intestinal contents.
Although you can’t always avoid stress, here are some ways to help manage it:
- Exercise. Mile exercise can help reduce stress, relieve depression, and normalize bowel function. Talk to your doctor about a plan that’s right for you.
- Relaxation exercises. One way to cope with stress is with relaxation and breathing exercises. You can take classes in yoga and meditation or practice at home.
Did you know? Emotional stress can influence the course of Crohn’s.
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