Adult Congenital Heart Disease

Adult Congenital Heart Disease

Only Recently Has The Study Of Adult Congenital Heart Disease Been Given Its Due Importance

Prior to the year 1987, hardly any studies were conducted to understand the ramifications of adult with congenital heart disease. The condition was associated more with children and not so much with adults that meant that medical professionals felt that there was hardly any need to look into adult congenital heart disease cases. The truth of the fact is that adult congenital heart disease cases were quite few in number and so not much attention was paid to studying it.

Not A Medical Sub-Specialty

In fact, during the early eighties and certainly prior to even that time adult congenital heart disease was not even considered a medical sub-specialty though children that were born with congenital heart disease had by now achieved adolescence as well as early adulthood in the eighties and so the problem merited further and serious consideration.

Present studies on adult congenital heart disease are now showing medical professionals what needs to be done in order to treat the condition. In fact, persons suffering from adult congenital heart disease do have their own unique needs which can only be dealt with by specialist medical professionals that have solid expertise in this area.

It is necessary therefore for the medical community to look beyond simply treating baby congenital heart disease cases and to look at the problem in context of adult sufferers as well. The good news is that today there are many adult congenital heart disease specialists who can bridge the gap that exists between providing adult cardiology and pediatric treatment and who are well qualified to handle complex cases of arrhythmias as well as chronic heart failure.

Adult congenital heart disease patients suffer from a wide range of problems and often the treatment prescribed includes having to undertake revision of childhood repair as well as take into account new instances of adult congenital heart disease defects such as dealing with pregnant mothers as well as treating complex instances of arrhythmias.

When patients develop complex adult congenital heart disease problems the treatment too is often very complex, requiring the services of congenital heart disease surgeons as well as interventional cardiologists as well as electrophysiologists.

Cyanotic congenital heart disease can cause reduction in oxygen levels in the blood and often the defect occurs in different forms rather than in isolation, affecting the function as well as structure of the heart or its blood vessels. The result of suffering from this form of congenital heart disease is that flow of blood around the lungs and heart will change causing reduction in oxygen in the blood as it traverses the different parts of the human body.

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