Colitis Menstruation – Female Complaints and Colitis
No one organ, certainly none as large and important as the colon, can suffer serious disorder without creating a shower of reflex effects upon those organs which come into relation with it in the same nerve channel. For this reason the female genital organs are particularly prone to disturbance when an extensive colitis exists.
Irregularities of menstruation, accompanying pain and other disorders in the functions of these organs are frequently from an existing colitis. The possibility of this being a causative factor in various female diseases should be clearly borne in mind since any treatment directed toward these disorders will surely fall far short of success unless the colitis itself is remedied.
To give you some idea of the extent to which a woman’s health and life may be jeopardized by ignoring the presence and importance of colitis, I’d like to tell you of some interesting studies that have appeared in medical literature in recent years.
Not long ago, Dr. C. J. Collins made a study of over 350 cases in which a total removal of the womb had been done, and came to the conclusion that in 11% of the cases, the operation was not justifiable. In another study by Dr. Norman Miller, the conclusion was reached that removal of the womb (known as hysterectomy), was not justified in over 30% of the cases.
It so happens that this operation is a very serious one. Not only is it as hazardous as any major operation may be, but it deprives a woman of an important organ, the exact function of which, from the standpoint of body chemistry, has not yet been definitely determined. Therefore, careful examination and an honest diagnosis, to quote the editor of the medical journal, should reduce unnecessary removal of this organ to almost zero.
Fig. 10. Diagram showing female organs in relation to colon
The possibility of the reflex effect of a chronically inflamed colon should be taken into consideration in treating menstrual or other disorders of the genitourinary tract. Many of my patients suffering from colitis have reported the restoration of normal menstrual function upon the correction of the colitis. This experience is not unique with me as it is amply corroborated by the experience of other doctors in this field.
This chapter is intended, therefore, as a kindly suggestion to make a thorough investigation of the colon and the lower intestinal tract if and when any drastic surgery is contemplated for the relief of an obscure pelvic ailment. Unless this is done, the patient may go through the pain and distress of the abdominal operation, only to find herself with the same symptoms that the removal of these organs was supposed to correct.
According to eminent specialists in diseases of women, nearly one third of all women have menstrual disorders of one kind or another. Indeed, this perfectly normal function is so frequently attended with pain, discomfort and disability, that it is often referred to as “Eve’s Curse.”
Ordinarily, menstrual disorders produce cramp-like pains in the lower abdomen. Not infrequently, they are accompanied by, or even overshadowed by knife-like pain originating at the lower end of the spine and extending toward the rectum. Indeed, at times I have seen instances wherein the pain was chiefly in the rectal region.
Some of these cases are undoubtedly due to disorders within the genital organs, but others have absolutely no organic defects in the genitourinary tract. The disturbance which occurs is clearly the result of the reflex disturbance caused by an irritated colon. It must be borne in mind that the surface of the colon is a very extensive one and when it is irritated, literally millions of small nerve endings are stimulated to send up nerve impulses. Under this shower of irritating impulses the normal quiet functioning of other organs is disturbed.
There can be only one conclusion to the observations presented herewith, and that is, the colitis must go! Get it under control and you will be agreeably surprised to find, in cases where it has been a factor, that the menstrual difficulties will also disappear. In any event, the correction of the colitis is a necessary step toward the attainment of general good health. Colitis Menstruation – Female Complaints and Colitis. Written By: J. F. Montague, M.D., Continue Reading: Bladder Trouble, “Weak Kidneys” and Colitis
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