Diabetes Medication

Diabetes Medication

Diabetes Medication Has A Few Worries As Well As Many Uses

Managing blood sugar levels requires a balanced and planned diet which must be accompanied by the right diabetes medication which should hopefully see the problem contained and also not allowed to worsen. Taking exercises seriously is also recommended as too is trying to lose weight, though there is no getting around the fact that diabetes medication are the most effective in controlling different types of diabetes and they can be taken orally or injected.

Helps Bring Down Blood Sugar Levels

It is common for a diabetic to have very high blood sugar levels that persists over a period of time, and which warrants taking diabetes medication and performing other activities as well that will help keep the problem in check and certainly will prevent it from worsening. When insulin is not available in proper quantities, and when a person suffers type 1 diabetes, then the best course of action would be taking diabetes medication in the form of insulin that can be injected in order to bring down blood sugar levels. On the other hand, for those with a type 2 diabetes problem, the answer may lie in diabetes medication that is taken as pills which will increase blood glucose.

The pills themselves require different ingredients and there are five classes of such drugs which include sulfonylurea, thiazolidinediones, biguanides, melitinindes as well as alpha-glucosidase inhibitors that are all what goes into the pills that you take to treat diabetes. Each of these diabetes medication work differently and can reduce blood sugar while also enhancing the production of insulin as is required under different diabetic conditions.

However, before using diabetes medication you should ensure that the drug you are taking is safe to use and it does not do your body any harm as there have been incidences of drugs that caused hepatitis in users as also disease of the liver, which medications had to be withdrawn subsequently.

One such miracle diabetes medication is the drug named Troglitazone whose main function and use was to reduce type 2 diabetes instances and which was also thought to provide relief from complications arising from resistance to insulin and also from diseases of the ovaries. However, this diabetes medication was found to have been the cause of serious damage to the liver, and was till a few years back, available as Rezulin and also Romozin. So, if you come across a diabetes medication such as this you need to be very careful about using it if you want to safeguard your overall health.

Thus, you need to act only on the advice of your doctor, who in most cases will be sure to have monitored your liver condition to ensure that no damage is being caused due to diabetes medications.

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