Autism is a developmental disability that causes difficulty communicating and socializing. Autism symptoms vary in children and adults. It is the result of a neurological disorder. The symptoms of Autism generally take place within the first three years of a person’s life. There are particular behaviors to look for if a child you know might have Autism. Autistic individuals are very resistant to change. They have to have a regular routine to follow each day. They may have a hard time expressing their needs, choosing to point or make sounds rather than speaking.
Some individuals with Autism symptoms repeat particular words or phrases again and again. They may have periods where they laugh or cry for no apparent reason. They are prone to throwing fits and tantrums. They often prefer to be alone because they have difficulty communicating and socializing with others.
Most Autistic individuals prefer not to be touched. They don’t enjoy cuddling or hugging. They also avoid eye contact. Watch how the child plays as they may exhibit unusual play habits. They may also not listen or respond to sounds, yet have excellent scores on hearing tests.
Every individual with Autism exhibits different symptoms. Some people have several of the items listed here while others only have one or two. It depends on the level of the disability. This can make identifying Autism symptoms very difficult. If you think your child may have Autism consult a doctor that specializes in the disability for a qualified diagnosis.
What is known is that Autism affects 1 in 166 children regardless of the race, color, or economic status. It is the fastest growing developmental disability. Programs need to be developed to help those with Autism lead normal lives as much as possible. Over $90 million dollars is spent each year in the United States for the care of Autistic adults.
If your child portrays symptoms consistent with Autism, have them evaluated by a professional with experience with the disability. Your family doctor may not be the best person to evaluate the situation. The sooner you rule out or identify Autism as the culprit for your child’s behaviors and symptoms the more you will be able to do in an effort to help your child.
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