Electromagnetic Protection

Electromagnetic Protection

Protection from electromagnetic fields has become a major battlefield over the past couple of decades. Industry, government and even the public sector has not come to any conclusion as to what is considered safe or dangerous when it comes to exposure levels. Who needs electromagnetic protection? We all do! “The possibilities that cause most concern are cancers of the brain or other parts of the head, and neurodegenerative disease, memory loss or loss of mental faculties, all resulting later in life from exposures accumulated earlier in life,” states a draft of an unreleased WHO case study, obtained by the Toronto Star.

electromagnetic protection cell phone warning signDo You Feel Safe?

With regards to electromagnetic protection and safety from exposure to electromagnetic energy.

Did you know that the influence of electromagnetic waves and fields emitted by televisions, radios, microwaves ovens, computers, cell phones, etc. have a negative, lasting impact on the human health system.

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Exposure to electromagnetic energy from hand-held cellular telephones, mobile telephones and from cell-site antennas, recommended exposure limits and guidelines have been published by the American National Standards Institute, the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, the National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements, and the International Radiation Protection Association. Prolonged exposure at or below the levels recommended in these guidelines are considered safe for human health. Measurements have shown that routine exposures of users and other persons to cellular telephones and cell-site antennas are at the limits in these standards. Therefore, based on present knowledge, exposures associated with electromagnetic fields should say to you WARNING Dangerous to your health.

Facts About Electromagnetic Protection and Radiofrequency Energy

The electromagnetic radio frequency energy emitted by broadcast stations and cell phone towers throughout the country has been the subject of considerable careful scientific study to determine whether electromagnetic energy could affect public health.

Scientists reviewed the results of decades of accumulated research data on this subject and, in 1982, identified the levels of electromagnetic energy to which a person could be safely exposed. This electromagnetic protection guideline, developed by scientists affiliated with the American National Standards Institute (ANSI), was adopted by the FCC in 1985 as the basis for reviewing the environ- mental and health impacts of operating broadcast stations and cell towers. ANSI electromagnetic protection guidelines are reviewed and reevaluated continually, and, if necessary, amended every few years to reflect the very latest accepted scientific exposure levels.

The FCC’s adoption of a electromagnetic protection guideline was done to comply with obligations imposed by Congress under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). It must be noted, however, that the FCC use of the ANSI electromagnetic protection for FCC licensees is an interim measure pending adoption of federal guidance by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). In 1986, EPA requested and received comments from industry, science, academia and the public to determine appropriate federal public protection guidance for all applications of electromagnetic energy in the U.S., including broadcasting. With respect to broadcasting energy, the adoption of standards may be viewed primarily as a precautionary and preventive action.

In 1992, ANSI and the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) adopted a revised standard incorporating two tiers of maximum permissible exposures (MPE). The two tiers were for occupational/controlled environments and for general population/uncontrolled environments. The MPE for the latter category is, in general, one-fifth of the MPE for the former category. In light of the change in the standard, the FCC initiated a Notice of Proposed Rule Making in which it proposed adoption of the ANSI/IEEE 1992 standard. After the receipt of comments from many outside of government and agencies within government dealing with health issues, the FCC, on August 1, 1996, adopted a standard based, primarily, on the 1986 standard of the National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements (NCRP), but incorporating some features of the ANSI/IEEE 1992 standard.

Need for Uniform Protection, Unbiased and Scientifically Validated Regulation

The American public’s is exposed to Electromagnetic energy fields daily. Information gathered for the EPA in the 80’s revealed that 99 percent of the population received less than the level recommended by ANSI. An EPA study released in 1985 found a number of localized areas of the country where exposures exceed ANSI standards. Broadcasters have found that such exposure levels can be corrected to within ANSI limits when and if detected.

The Electromagnetic Energy Association and the nation’s broadcasters urge the Congress to extend to the broadcast spectrum the same provision that has been incorporated in the 1996 revision of the Telecommunications Act. That provision specifies that no state or local jurisdiction can deny the construction of a new or changed transmission facility on health grounds if the operation of that facility would be in conformance with the standards adopted by the FCC. In the absence of such statutory provision, the FCC has been requested to preempt state and local jurisdictions with respect to Electromagnetic radio frequency exposure from broadcast facilities. Now if that doesn’t scare you I don’t know what will.

In the absence of such a universally accepted set of national standards, a number of localities have begun to set their own exposure guidelines and to develop their own regulatory schemes for Electromagnetic radio frequency energy. In most instances, these localities lack the financial or scientific resources that are needed to accomplish this highly technical undertaking. The result is a jurisdiction-by-jurisdiction patchwork system of regulation that fails to meet the best interests of the public or the broadcasters who serve that public.

In issuing licenses for broadcast facilities, the FCC directs its licensees to serve the public interest, convenience and necessity. Is the broadcast industry ready to assist in developing and implementing standards governing any aspect of its operations that will further this goal and maintain a vigorous system of free over-the-air broadcasting in America?

It should also be noted that even though a transmitting source like broadcast, cell towers and or facility may not be categorically excluded from routine evaluation, no further environmental processing is required once it has been demonstrated that exposures are within the guidelines.

Thus far, during more than 60 years of service, the nation’s broadcasters and telecommunication companies have built comprehensive information and entertainment system around the world, some right in your backyard!

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