Grape Cure Diet Instructions

Grape Cure Diet Instructions


(1) Preparation. To prepare the system for the change of diet, the better
 practice is to fast for two or three days, 
drinking plenty of pure, cold water and 
taking an enema of a quart of lukewarm 
water daily with the strained juice of
 one lemon therein.

By this short fast, complications may be avoided. The stomach is cleared of poisons and fermenting accumulations to a certain extent, and the grape can begin its work more quickly.

The preliminary fast, furthermore, has the advantage of giving the patient a keen relish for the first grape.
(2) After the fast. The patient drinks one or two glasses of pure, cold water the first thing in the morning.

(3) First meal. Half an hour later the patient has his first meal of grapes. Wash them well. (Chew the skins and seeds thoroughly and swallow only a few of them as food and roughage.)

(4) Time. Starting at 8 a.m. and having a grape meal every two hours till 8 p.m., this would give seven meals daily. This is kept up for a week or two, even a month or two, in chronic cases of long standing. Not longer under any circumstances.

(5) Variety. Any good variety may be used—purple, green, red, white or blue. Hothouse grapes are better than none, and the seedless varieties are excellent. The monotony of the diet may be varied by using many varieties. Different varieties contain different elements so it is advisable to use as many kinds as one an get. Some like them acid, others like them sweet.
The best time is when the grape season is at its height.

(6) Quantity. This varies according
to the condition, digestion and occupa
tion of the patient.

It is well to begin
with a small quantity of one, two or
three ounces per meal, gradually increase
ing this to double the quantity. In time
about a half pound may safely be taken
at a meal.

To make this point quite
clear, a minimum quantity of one pound
should be used daily, while the maximum
should not exceed four pounds. Patients
taking larger quantities at a meal should
allow at least three hours for digestion
and should not take all the skins.

variably, the best results have been ef
fected when grapes have been taken in
 small quantities.

(7) Enjoyment. A loathing for grapes may indicate the presence of much poison in the system and the need of another short fast. Adding grapes or any other food to such a condition would, therefore, be injurious. The rule in such cases is to abstain from every form of food, drinking an abundance of cold water. Unless patients can eat the grapes with perfect enjoyment, they are better off without them. Skip a few meals. Let Nature regulate this matter. We hear of over-zealous relatives forcing grapes down the throats of unfortunate patients. This is a great mistake. (Always remember that grapes are nourishing and maintain life in the body while the cleansing process is going on). Loss of strength is due to the presence of poisons in the system. The patient continues to weaken under the grape diet and under the complete fast, until the poison has been expelled. Then, without a change of diet (and in case of a complete fast, without any food whatsoever), the patient returns to strength and in some cases even puts on weight.

It is a well-known fact with scientists and physiologists that a person can go from 90 to 115 days without any food and live, and that he can go without water 12 days and live.

FOUR STAGES – Grape Cure Diet

There are four stages in a complete treatment and these stages must be followed closely; heavy foods must not be eaten until the completion of the four stages.

At the conclusion of the exclusive diet, the patient is in much the same condition as a Typhoid Patient when the fever subsides. Extreme care must be taken to prevent him from eating heavy


(a) In every case reactions are different. It is, therefore, impossible to say beforehand how long it will be necessary to use grapes only. But this may be stated definitely—the cleansing of the elimentary canal takes time, and until this has been accomplished, the real relief does not begin. It is safe to say that the first seven to ten days on grapes only would be required to clear the stomach and bowels of their ancient accumulations. And it is during this period that distressing symptoms often appear. Nature works thoroughly. She does not build on a rotten foundation. The purification of every part of the body must be complete before new tissue can be built.

I think this is the only explanation of the excessive loss of weight under the grape diet.

This question is of so much importance that we refer to it in detail under the treatment of cancer elsewhere.

If we could remove every trace of fear from the mind of the patient, the correct procedure would be to continue the exclusive grape diet until he stops losing weight. By watching the symptoms— the temperature, the excretions, eruptions, etc., we know when the work of purification is complete. When this point has been reached—and it may last from two weeks to two months—it is advisable to go on to the

Second Stage

(b) The gradual introduction of other fresh fruits, tomatoes and sour milk or cottage cheese.

We do not expect anyone to live on grapes forever. The grape contains many of the most valuable elements necessary for life, but it does not contain everything. To live on grapes indefinitely would be to rob the system of some of the elements essential to life. When we are sure, therefore, that the grape has done its work by breaking up the unhealthy tissue and purifying the blood, the careful introduction of other bodybuilding foods is the next step.

Grapes still form the main food and are always taken as the first meal in the morning and at 8 p.m. But now, during the day, some other fresh fruit may be used instead of grapes. An endless variety presents itself—a slice of melon, an orange, a grapefruit, an apple, a luscious pear, the scarlet strawberry, the golden apricot—one fruit more appetizing than the other.

Let the patient choose.

Only one kind of fruit to be taken at a meal but something different every day.

After a few days a glass of sour milk or buttermilk, yogurt, or cottage cheese may be taken instead of grapes for supper. Patients who dislike milk should take a ripe, finely-mashed banana, or some other nourishing fruit.

After a week or ten days, every other meal may consist of different varieties of fruit, or sour milk, taking them, for example, in the following order:

8:00 A.M. Grapes.
10:00 A.M. Pear, banana or peaches.
12:00 Noon Grapes.
2:00 P.M. Sour milk, buttermilk, or cottage cheese.
4:00 P.M. Grapes.
6:00 P.M. Orange, grapefruit, plums or apricots.
8:00 P.M. Grapes.

At this point some patients crave for something savory. The sweet fruits begin to pall. There may even be a positive aversion to grapes, in which case they should be omitted altogether and the other foods taken every three hours.

One or two sliced tomatoes with pure olive oil and a little lemon juice may safely be included in this diet. The tomato is more of a fruit than a vegetable, containing many valuable properties, and it forms an indispensable part of the diet in the second stage of the treatment.

Third Stage

(c) The raw diet. This includes every food that can be eaten uncooked—raw vegetables, salads, fruits, nuts, raisins, dates, figs and other dried fruits, butter, cottage cheese, sour milk, yogurt and buttermilk, honey and olive oil.

Begin the day as usual with cold water and grapes or some other fruit for breakfast, but instead of sour milk or fruit for lunch, have a substantial salad of raw vegetables. Reduce the number of meals, as raw vegetables require longer to digest.

It is surprising to some people to find that nearly all the vegetables can be used raw—young green peas and string beans, celery tomatoes, cucumbers,) lettuce, springs of cauliflowers, squash, shredded cabbage leaves, grated carrots, turnips, beets and parsnips, finely chopped onion and spinach.

After the light fruit diet, it is wise not to start out too soon with a large variety of vegetables. Choose two or three of the above-named as a foundation for your salad and mix them with lemon juice and olive oil. Try different varieties the following day and watch the combinations of flavors. Salad-making is a supreme art.

Above all things, this noonday meal should be made palatable. Patients who have been used to animal food crave for something stimulating. There can be no objection to adding one or two savory ingredients to this salad—some finely-chopped nuts, grated cheese, sour cream, or a good homemade mayonnaise made of eggs, lemon juice and olive oil. In some cases a finely-chopped hard boiled egg may be included in the salad.

Time to Digest

Give this meal more time to digest than is required for raw fruits, especially if nuts, dates, raisins or other dried fruits have been added to it.
The supper should consist of sour milk or fruit, or a highly nourishing and digestible dish may be made of ripe bananas mashed, with sour cream.

The Raw Diet

Sufficient stress cannot be laid upon importance of the raw diet. If we could only educate the people to this fact it would help to eradicate disease.

The raw foods digest more easily than the cooked and pass through the system far more rapidly. The result is that they have no time to decompose in the alimentary canal. There is no undue fermentation and no fear of toxic poisoning.

Therefore patients are strongly advised to obtain from every form of cooked food during the full period of treatment.

Thus far the course then consists of the three stages as outlined above and if followed the highest results are obtained.
When it is difficult to convince people that they derive more nourishment from uncooked foods, we reluctantly consent to the introduction of one cooked meal a day, but do not recommend it.

Fourth Stage

(d) The mixed diet. With this innovation, there is sometimes a recurrence of the old trouble, and the patient, sadder and wiser for the experience, is glad to go back to the raw diet. But if the disease has not been very deep-seated and the cure is complete, the following regimen is recommended:—

Three Meals a Day

A fruit breakfast, one kind only.
A cooked dinner.
A salad supper.

For breakfast eat plentifully of any of the juicy fruits that may be in season. Make a strict habit of this and observe it for the rest of your life if you want to be healthy.

The No Breakfast Plan does not apply to fruit at all. It was and is, a splendid rule for people who have been systematically overeating, and especially those who are in the habit of indulging in heavy dinners and late suppers. But when the supper is taken not later than 7 P.M. and consists of raw salad or fruit, the stomach of one who has been on a proper grape diet is free from acidity and accumulations.

In such cases, the fruit breakfast is better than the fast, in that it supplies the body with cleansing and building material.

One can, moreover, do a hard morning’s work on a fruit breakfast.

Not a Cookery Book

This book on the Grape Cure is not a cookery book.

It would, however, be incomplete without a few hints on cooking for the benefit of the reader who has followed these pages.

As the cooked foods are the acid forming foods, no one who is troubled with acidity should have them.

Raw fruits and vegetables never cause acidity—on the contrary, they neutralize the acids by which the system has been poisoned. The first results of a raw diet are often very distressing on that account. The patient seems to become hyperacid and this condition lasts until all the poisons have been worked out.

Another thing to remember is that cooked foods take much longer time to digest than raw. No more food should be taken within five or six hours after the cooked meal. No strenuous work should be done and it is especially recommended to refrain from every form of brain work immediately following such a meal.

Keep the cooked and uncooked foods apart.

In the process of digestion, Nature always disposes of the most digestible foods first.

If you have made the mistake of mixing raw foods with the cooked, the raw will digest first while the rest of the conglomeration will ferment.

The Cooked Meal

A dry meal. No soups, no liquids of any kind.

No raw salads. No fruit either fresh or cooked.

The main foods to be steamed vegetables. Begin with one kind at a time after the Grape Cure. If the results are good, take two or three varieties at a meal.

Not more than one kind of starch. This may consist of any of the cereals, such as oatmeal, wheatena, brown rice, potatoes or whole wheat bread and unsalted butter. Prof. Arnold Ehret, authority on raw food objects to even one starch.

Enjoy this meal. If you are not a vegetarian, indulge in a piece of baked, broiled or steamed fish occasionally, with a steamed potato and butter. Or this meal may consist of a dish of stewed tomatoes, or any of the green vegetables steamed. An infinite variety of savory dishes may be made by mashing one of the green vegetables with steamed potatoes, mixing with egg, covering with bread crumbs and pats of butter and baking this to a rich brown in the oven. Left-overs of cauliflower, cabbage, steamed lettuce, spinach, baked onions, etc., lend themselves especially to this form of cooking. Watch the effects of the cooked meal and with the first sign of discomfort, return to the raw diet.

The Seven Doctors of Nature

There are seven Doctors of Nature:


We put Mind at the end because it is the most important.

Mind operates through magnetism. In order, therefore, to contact the forces of Mind, we purify and build up the magnetism and this is best done by fasting, deep breathing, water treatment, sun bathing, spinal adjustment and exercise, the Grape Cure and diet of raw fruits and vegetables.

This is common sense healing or Harmony.

Even the Grape Cure, if not followed scientifically, has it limitations. Take my own case, for instance. Fasting could not save me while I continued taking cooked foods after each fast. The Grape Cure would not have had permanent results in my case if I had not followed the instructions stated herein to get the best results.

We live in the age of invention and discovery. When I stumbled onto the Grape Cure in 1925, I could give no explanation of the wonders it had performed in my body.

It was, therefore, with keen satisfaction that I received the following scientific statement from Dr. La Forest Potter, of New York City:—

“Proteids are the great body builders. If they contain toxins, they become body destroyers. Because most of our conventional foods, medicines and serums are contaminated by these toxins, science has been searching for years for a non-toxic proteid which will not disturb the colloidal integrity of the cells. The grape diet seems to be in line with this great world search.” Written By Johanna Brandt N.D.Ph.N., A.M., Continue Reading: Chapter 6 – Regarding Cancer

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