How To Read a List of Essential Vitamins
There are many things in this world that are rather confusing, and you may be stumped when you read a list of essential vitamins. It’s not that it’s too complicated for everyone, but it is hard to understand when you don’t know much about vitamins. I know I am one of those people, and when someone talks about health issues, I really get confused when it comes down to the different things that vitamins and can do for the body. When you want to understand what is going on, you might just need to know the basics.
A list of essential vitamins gets confusing when there is just too much information included. You may know that vitamin D comes from sunlight, and that it is also added to milk to be sure everyone gets what they need. It makes sense that if something is added to milk just to be sure that you get it that it is an essential. It helps bones absorb calcium, and also helps the immune system run well. On the other hand, you don’t really need to know that if you drink one tablespoon of cod oil you will have gotten 1,360 IU (International Units) of the vitamin. It’s important to know where to get it, but not many of us drink cod oil, and that probably wouldn’t be your first suggestion to someone if they needed more vitamin D in their diet.
When you read though a list of essential vitamins, you want to pay attention to the first information that is listed after each individual listing. The information you read first is the most important. If you want to read more of the list of essential vitamins, the information is going to get more confusing. Make sure you find the RDA (recommended daily allowance) for each of the vitamins that you are concerned with in regards to your diet. You want to get out your supplements and see how close they come to what is recommended. These numbers are sometimes different for men and women. You don’t have to get all of your RDA from the supplements, as you still get many from the foods you eat each day.
If you read over a list of essential vitamins and feel as lost as I do, but are still concerned that you might not be getting everything you need in your daily intake, you should have a talk with your doctor. As long as you are eating three times a day, and eat healthy foods at least half of the time, you are probably just fine. It is okay to worry though, and your doctor can recommend what you need. Remember that children and teenagers may need more, and older adults may need different types to get the best benefits out of vitamins. Though it is not common, you can get too much of a good thing. If are thinking of taking something above and beyond your multi vitamin, you might want to talk to your doctor to make sure you are within acceptable ranges.
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