Signs Of Breast Cancer

Signs Of Breast Cancer

The Signs of Breast Cancer

There are some things that every women should know, and one of the most important things are the signs of breast cancer. It’s important that we know how to change a tire, or how to dress for a job interview, but there is often someone to help us if we don’t know how, or if we just can’t seem to get it right. When it comes to breast cancer, however, no woman should walk around not knowing what to look for, or what to do if something should seem different or out of place. Breast and lung cancer are the top cancer-related killers of women, and that is something no woman can ignore.

The problem with the signs of breast cancer is that they are subtle at best when it first begins. All women should know how to give themselves an examination, and they should do this at least once a month. It can be done in the shower or while lying down on the bed. Placing one arm behind your head, and use the other arm to feel around the opposite breast and up towards the armpit. Use firm pressure. If you feel anything different, most likely a lump or mass, you should see your doctor at once. Some breasts are naturally fibrous, so the self-exam should be done regularly in order to get use to the feel of your own breasts. This will help you know when something is new and should be tested. Ask you doctor for more thorough directions for your self-examination.

Besides looking and feeling your breast area for lumps, there are certain subtle signs of breast cancer that you can find. The trouble with this is that they are many times very hard to spot, and quite often there are no signs at all. You should become very comfortable with the feel and the look of your chest area, and also how your nipples are set. One of the signs of breast cancer is a change in your nipples. They may becoming inverted, have a discharge, or perhaps they may seem to look different. Other subtle signs include swelling, a rash or redness, or even a faint distorted look. You may feel some tenderness if there is a problem, but in many cases there is none.

The signs of breast cancer can be tricky, as many times they simply aren’t there, even when cancer is present. This is why self-exams are so important, and also why every women should get a mammogram each year after she has reached her 40th birthday. The most noticeable of the signs of breast cancer is the presence of a lump, and even if you think it might be something else it is important to get to your doctor very quickly. Another obvious sign is nipple discharge, and that is also something that should never go unreported to your doctor. It is always best to err on the side of caution, and see your doctor for further evaluation.

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