What 6 Pack Abs?

What 6 Pack Abs?

Machines Or No: 6 pack abs

To get the 6 pack abs that you want, what is the best route to take? This 
has sparked much debate, especially with the recent onslaught of machines 
and programs you can use. Is it best to stick with the old ways of crunches, 
sit ups and other abdominal methods? Or should you try machines that make it 
supposedly easier and more effective? Which will produce the best 6 pack abs 
for you? The answer greatly depends on your lifestyle and the level of 
commitment you put toward this. We will explain below.

6 pack abs: The Old Fashioned Way

Many swear by the idea of steady crunches and exercises, thinking it to be 
the proven way and therefore the best one. They would not consider equipment 
or machines, simply because they live by the motto “If it’s not broke, why 
fix it?”. Are they wrong to believe so? No, the old methods of hard exercise 
(mixed with diet, of course) are proven. There are countless amounts of 
techniques and routines you can develop and the will work, giving you a slow 
but healthy result. That is the real basis for using these older methods: 
they are safe. Some machines and newer methods have created some controversy 
with their design; they can be problematic. With this approach, you 
basically set your own pace and quickly learn what your body can and can’t 
do. It does work.

6 pack abs: Newer Techniques

That does not mean that you should discount using machines or other 
approaches, though. While, yes, some can be dangerous (take something like 
the ab lounger, for instance, with its hyper extension. This can cause back 
problems or tearing if used incorrectly, as some have found), most are 
proven safe and can make exercising easier. This is their real appeal. Few 
believe they have the ability to do a real crunch. They think that getting 
on the floor and drawing themselves up over and over again is impossible. 
And it may just be. If you are severely overweight, you may not have the 
ability to do these things unaided. Machines and other services can help you 
and make exercise more approachable.

Which Is Best?

The only answer to that is based on your own lifestyle. If you are already 
in reasonable shape and are just looking to create the ideal 6 pack abs, 
then older methods will work. You should be able to exercise quickly and 
efficiently on your own. For those who are not in shape, however, and who 
may be unable to do this alone, using machines as a way to help should be 

Things like dieting and basic exercises, ones that have nothing to do with 
gaining abs rather than health, are needed for both methods. Still, 
depending on your current lifestyle, you need to think about which you will 
actually be able to do and which will just cause you problems. Exercising is 
difficult enough without you choosing the wrong method and making it more 

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