Breast Cancer Stages

Breast Cancer Stages

Progression of Breast Cancer Stages

The breast cancer stages are the classifications used to describe how far cancer has spread into the breast or into other parts of the body. The stage to which the cancer has progressed is important information for determining what methods of treatment are appropriate. There are 4 stages of breast cancer, but is also one pre-cancer stage and a number sub-stages that are important to note as well.

Stage 0 – Carcinoma in Situ

This precancerous condition can exist in either one of two manifestations:

Ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) is a noninvasive condition where the abnormal cells are in the lining of a breast duct. These abnormal cells have not spread into other tissues. DCIS can become invasive cancer and spread into other tissues, but medicine can not yet predict which lesions do so.

Lobular carcinoma in situ (LCIS) is a condition where the abnormal cells are in the lobules of the breast. LCIS rarely becomes invasive, but having this condition is considered a risk factor in developing breast cancer.

Stage 1

As the earliest of breast cancer stages, Stage 1 cancer is relatively small. The cancerous mass measures no more than 2 centimeters, and it has not spread outside the breast.

Stage 2 (A & B)

The second of the breast cancer stages is broken into two categories to better specify cancer’s characteristics.

Stage 2 A breast cancer must meet one of these criteria:

There is no cancer mass in the breast, but cancer cells are identified in the axillary lymph nodes.

The measurement of the tumor is still no more than 2 centimeters, but it has spread into the axillary lymph nodes.

The measurement of the tumor exceeds 2 centimeters, but is still less than 5 centimeters. In addition, the cancer may not have spread to the axillary lymph nodes.

Stage 2 B breast cancer meets one of these criteria:

The measurement of the tumor is greater then 2 centimeters and less than 5 centimeters. In addition it has spread to the axillary lymph nodes.

The tumor now measures more than 5 centimeters, but it has not spread into the axillary lymph nodes.

Stage 3 (A, B, & C operable and inoperable)

The third of the breast cancer stages is broken into two categories to better specify the cancer’s characteristics.

Stage 3 A breast cancer must meet one of these criteria:

There is no cancer mass in the breast, but cancer cells are identified in axillary lymph nodes that are attached to each other or other structures.

The measurement of the tumor is no more than 5 centimeters, and it has spread into axillary lymph nodes that are attached to each other or other structures.

The tumor now measures more than 5 centimeters, and it has spread into axillary lymph nodes that may be attached to each other or other structures.

Stage 3 B breast cancer can have grown to any size, and it has spread into tissues adjacent to the breast tissue, such as the skin or the chest wall – which includes the muscles and ribs in the chest. In addition, it may have spread into the lymph nodes in the breast or under the arm.

Stage 3 C breast cancer is further sub-classified as operable or inoperable.

Operable Stage IIIC cancer meets one of these criteria:

The cancer has spread to 10 or more axillary lymph nodes.

The cancer has spread to the lymph nodes under the collarbone and near the neck (on the same side of the body as the cancerous breast).

The cancer has spread to the lymph nodes in the breast itself as well as the axillary lymph nodes.

Inoperable Stage IIIC breast cancer has spread beyond the collar, up into lymph nodes above the collarbone and near the neck (on the same side of the body as the cancerous breast).

Stage IV

In Stage 4 breast cancer, the last and most serious of the breast cancer stages, the cancer has spread beyond the breast and related tissues and into other organs of the body. Typically, by Stage 4 the cancer has spread into the lungs, liver, bones, or the brain.

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