Cancer Common Sense Grape Cure

Cancer Common Sense Grape Cure

Motto of H.M. is: “FOR GOD AND COMMON SENSE” – Cancer Common Sense

On this, our little planet, the sons and daughters of God groan and travail in unspeakable anguish to bring forth the harmony of the spheres.

Harmony Means Perfection
There is no way of attaining perfection of body, mind and spirit except by applying the Eternal Principle of Harmony to the daily life

In the hope that the teachings that had saved my own life would be helpful to others, I spent my time in New York in trying to establish a Center.

The ways of Providence are past finding out. It was a sore trial to be kept waiting for the sympathetic response of the medical fraternity.

One month I waited and then, as no surgeon volunteered to investigate my claims, I formally withdrew my challenge.

Another and better way had in the meantime been found of demonstrating the efficacy of my discovery. If others afflicted with cancer could be cured, then my theory would be proven.

The many heart-breaking appeals for relief could not be ignored. As the laws of the land did not forbid me to tell the story of how I had cured myself, I simply related my experiences and described the procedure I had adopted. People treated by my methods recovered.  They in their turn told their relatives and friends—always with the same results.

Correspondents clamored for information about the Grape Cure. At first we sent out typed copies, but when the demand became excessive we had a four-page leaflet printed. Five editions of this were printed. Newspapers in distant states reproduced it and inquiries came pouring in thick and fast. This leaflet, which was distributed free of charge, became famous.

When it became necessary to have a secretary, a woman with great executive ability stepped forward and offered her services. Her rooms were placed at my disposal for the reception of visitors. Our surprise may be imagined when we found that the physician, who had called at my hotel had his office in the same building.

The cancer patients who came to us were referred to him.

Other medical men volunteered to experiment on their cancer patients. No charge was made for the treatment of these test cases.

NOTE—Dr. Brandt hoped to establish “Harmony” centers in various parts of the country, but lack of funds made this impossible. Written By Johanna Brandt, Continue Reading: Chapter 4 – The First Test Case

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